• Image of The Queen Of Cups
  • Image of The Queen Of Cups
  • Image of The Queen Of Cups
  • Image of The Queen Of Cups

My first piece of 2025.

This piece was a real learning curve and took some time to come together. It came from a place of release and power, and searching for my own light.

The Queen Of Cups is associated with water, and represents compassion and sympathy towards ourselves. She encourages us to embrace our emotions and express them authentically. She encourages self care, and nurturing of our own well being, stability, and to trust in the eb and flow of our own journey.

Oil on 24 x 30 x 1.5" cradled wooden panel.

This piece is still drying and will be ready to collect/send out by the end of February (at the very latest)

Free postage. Available to collect (its quite large so this may be a better option for the safety of the piece).
Please email me if you would prefer to collect once the piece is dry and ready.